METAFINX IPO Project, in partnership with Total Group (A group of Professional
Accountant and Auditor) and managed under our Financial Service Provider (FSP) division,
operates with a thorough approach. Our team specializes in M&A Advisory and utilizes
Smart AI Independent Auditor to meticulously filter and integrate safe investment products.
This comprehensive process ensures both profitability and minimal risk. Our commitment lies in
risk mitigation and the strategic allocation of investments, focusing on areas where we excel or
where risk is minimized.

METAFINX IPO Project, in partnership with Total Group (A group of Professional Accountant and Auditor) and managed under our Financial Service Provider (FSP) division, operates with a thorough approach. Our team specializes in M&A Advisory and utilizes Smart AI Independent Auditor to meticulously filter and integrate safe investment products. This comprehensive process ensures both profitability and minimal risk. Our commitment lies in risk mitigation and the strategic allocation of investments, focusing on areas where we excel or where risk is minimized.

METAFINX's latest IPO projects

Stock Mate Inc. (SMI)

Tera Tower Development Inc. (TTDI)

Everyone To Be Millionaire Inc. (EBMI)

METAFINX's latest IPO projects

Stock Mate Inc. (SMI)

Tera Tower Development Inc. (TTDI)

Smart Optimal Trading Inc. (SOTI)

METAFINX's latest IPO projects

Stock Mate Inc. (SMI)

Tera Tower Development Inc. (TTDI)

Smart Optimal Trading Inc. (SOTI)

Stock Mate Inc. (SMI)

Stock Mate Inc. (SMI) is a unique venture, characterized by our collaboration with highly experienced stock market specialists. Our approach to stock trading breaks away from convention. We pool our funds and client investments to secure controlling stakes in listed companies, strategically shaping stock market dynamics to secure high returns.

Presently, we maintain a substantial portfolio where our ownership or control extends to over 80% of the market shares. This significant holding power empowers us to ensuring favourable direction in the companies that we control, and thereby generate stable and solid profit.

Our team skillfully gather funds to gain substantial control in several listed companies, manage effectively and deliver strong quarterly result for profitable outcomes.

Tera Tower Development Inc. (TTDI)

Tera Tower Development Inc. (TTDI) and PT Mitra Multi Solusi (PT MMS) have joined forces for an ambitious project: to establish the most extensive 4G and 5G Telco Smart Tower network in East Kalimantan, Indonesia's new capital city. This project perfectly aligns with the rapidly growing data-driven industry, as PT MMS aim to deploy more than 250,000 to 300,000 new Built to Suit (BTS) towers. Our joint efforts aim to digitize the entire Kalimantan region within the next 3-5 years.

Our partnership with PT MMS is built upon a robust business model. We begin by constructing telecommunication towers and leasing them to local telecom companies, with a 10-year contract term and a one-year advance rental payment, in line with Indonesian lease terms. Subsequently, we strategically sell these towers to international corporations, ensuring substantial returns. This 'Build, Lease, Sell' approach underscores our mutually beneficial collaboration with PT MMS, contributing to our collective success.

Everyone To Be Millionaire Inc. (EBMI)

Everyone To Be Millionaire Inc. (EBMI), an IPO project with MetafinX, streamlines million-ringgit property acquisition. EBMI offers exclusive property deals for MetafinX members.

For EBMI property investors, we provide leverage capital and an interest rate covering monthly repayments and the principal, with a total return of up to 2500% within 9 Years. Our aim is to provide a return enabling Full Settlement Within 6 to 9 Years, aspriring to make everyone a millionaire through this innovative approach.